
Airports Airlines Business Summit And Expo



Airport Airlines Business Summit and Expo (AABSE) is an integrated air transport delivery event that highlights all the components of aviation service chain aimed to close operational gaps between airports, airlines and allied services for improving customer satisfaction and aviation revenue.

The Summit

As an offshoot of the 10th Airport Airlines Business Summit and Expo which has been redesigned to pull together, Airports Buisness and all that is in between. The summit will feature diverse presentations on various areas of the air transport industry.

  • Airline Services: Improving Passengers Experience
  • Airport Operations
  • Aviation ICT: Future of Digital Experience
  • Cargo Logistics
  • Air transport Investment: Alternative Funding
  • Handling Services
  • Hangers And Lounges Services
  • Airport Construction And Maintenance Services
  • Aviation Customer Services

With the growing social status of both airlines and airports customers the needs and expectations are constantly changing and evolving rapidly. It is no longer sufficient to deliver safe and operational excellent services alone but greater expectation is on the quality and management of total experience. The summit will help to align meeting this expectation to profitability.


The expo will help to project peculiar services of individual airports, airlines, handling companies, maintenance companies, hangers, MRO, F&Bs and other services  within the air transportation system

The gathering will create business and operational connecting links between the Airport/Airlines community and ancillary services and help operators, investors and service providers to network and find a common ground of keeping the common customer satisfied. The two day expo is planned to attract guests, delegates  and media who will be visiting the stands of the exhibitors  for  a business to business networking.

Click here to register as a Delegate

Click here to register as a Speaker

Click here to register as a Sponsor 

Click here to register an Exhibitor 

After Registering a Confirmation mail will be sent to you Immediately.

The quest to develop Africa and bring its economy to the world focus requires a transport mode that offers potential cost and service advantages by virtue of speed, capacity and flexibility in routing and scheduling. Air transport delivers such value for economic growth and the airport drives the continuous and sustainable development of the air transport system through mixed aeronautic and non-aeronautic revenue generating options. For the industry to continue.. 

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I am very pleased to have chaired this year’s Airport Business Summit and delighted to be a part of an occasion that is intended to bring a new sense of direction to airport development in Africa.  

Airport business worldwide has become multi-sectored and the delivery of safe and secure air transport services cum quality passenger experience is no longer a matter for aeronautic services alone but a comprehensive and diverse business system that covers aeronautic.. 

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Mr. Fortune Idu 

Chairman Organizing Committee



Richard Aisuebeogu 

Director/Chief Executive

Avialog Company Limited

                 (Former MD of FAAN)

